I’m so gay for you 
Paul Arthur, Nic Bevers, Maite de Orbe, Lucy Deverall, Gosia Kołdraszewska, The Lezbag & Polly Mortimer, Jan Możdżyński, Maddy Rowley, Olivia Sterling, Rosie Thomas, Sophie Vallance Cantor, Sophie Willison

15 February - 15 March
PV: 14 Feb (Valentine’s Day), 6-9pm
miłość gallery

Boy and Crucifix, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Maite de Orbe, 2024

Terra firma magazine and miłość gallery present ‘I’m so gay for you’, a group exhibition which accompanies the release of terra firma’s 9th issue of the same title, to open and launch on Valentine’s Day. 

‘I’m so gay for you’ is a celebration of queerness, care and communion, sex and camp, innuendo and ambiguity curated between miłość gallery and Sophie Willison of terra firma. Thirteen artists – Paul Arthur, Nic Bevers, Lucy Deverall, Gosia Kołdraszewska, The Lezbag & Polly Mortimer, Jan Możdżyński, Maite de Orbe, Maddy Rowley, Olivia Sterling, Rosie Thomas, Sophie Vallance Cantor, and Sophie Willison – present their takes on queer affection and joy in the media of photography, painting, collage, sculpture, print, jewellery and tapestry.

At a time in the world when the persecution of trans and gay people becomes the new normal, and our bodies are being invaded and policed, we stand together in queer joy. Pick up the magazine for 200 pages of really gay content, walk around our exhibition and blush a little. We’ll have gay cowboys, we’ll have girls peeing, we’ll have fur and squishy eclairs, we’ll have healing, communion, explicit content, butt-plugs, clubbing and tap dancing. Come celebrate gayness with us this Valentine’s Day at miłość gallery with terra firma.

Sophie & Aleks

We would like to dedicate this show to Flat Whyte, our dear friend and an icon of queer joy and perseverance.

Request the catalogue.